
  • Chip: [immediately after sex] Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh yeah. Oh. Oh, that was so good. Mmm. Almost five years 'n' it just keeps getting better, you know, Carole? Carole? Carole Singer: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I think we need separate vacations. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • fea 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Laurie Jameson: Sandra, we're going to Fort Lauderdale for ten days. All you need is a bikini, and a diaphram. Laurie Jameson: S.A. *Major* S.A. Jennie Cooper: What's an "S.A."? Laurie Jameson: Stud Alert, you nun. I'm givin' that guy a ride. Laurie Jameson: [looking at Conan's penis] Yeah? So where's the rest of it? I'll see *you* in small claims court. Sandra Roxbury: Fort Lauderdale is a zoo. It's full o' millions of guys who are just lookin' for animal sex and debauchery. Laurie Jameson: Exactly, that's *why* we're going. Tony: Oh my God, look at the talent on this girl. I mean... fuckin' incredible footage. Spielberg would shit. Song lyrics: Hot nights are callin' my name now, oh, oh, oh. / There's no lookin' back again, we're gone. / Can't wait forever, it's now or never. We're gone, gone, gone, gone. Laurie Jameson: Ooh, Oberlin, huh? Oberlin Student: That's right. Laurie Jameson: Where the men are men, and the sheep are nervous? Can we get acquainted? Barbara Roxbury: First my party's ruined, then my house is destroyed. Now someone's stolen my car. Maggie: As I've always said, Barbara, you throw one hell of a party. Girl in Boots: Hi y'all. I'm from Texas A and M. Jennie Cooper: Looks more like Texas *S* and M. Carole Singer: What d'you got in there? Laurie Jameson: Uh, one bottle of a hundred and fifty proof rum, birth control pills, some Midol, my father's American Express card, king sized bottle of Alka-Seltzer 2, one sexy black teddy, a lid o' grass, and a... quarter, just in case I have to call home. I think that oughta get me through the night. Carole Singer: That could get me through the rest of my life. Mr. Bullhorn: Mr. Bullhorn: Attention, attention! This is Mr. Bullhorn! Don't miss the Bootlegger Hot Bod Contest! The bigger the boobs, the bigger the bucks! Scott Nash: [looking at Carole's chest and smiling] Hello... Carole Singer: Oh, forget it! Jennie Cooper: Come on, Carole! Scott Nash: [to Jeff] Jeff! You're in the Hot Bod contest with Carole. I want you firm, and I want you pumped. Jeff: Right, buddy. Carole Singer: C'mon, why does it have to be me? This is really embarrassing! Jennie Cooper: [encouragingly] No, it isn't, it would be so much fun, and besides, you've had years of dance lessons. Carole Singer: [looking disgusted] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jennie, that was ballet. I don't think the Hot Bod is looking for a new Giselle. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • e43 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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