处男有难 (1983)

  • 加拿大 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名处男有难
  • 上映时间1983年04月08日(美国)
  • 导       演 柯蒂斯·汉森
  • 又       名处男有难 失贞记 Losin' It
  • 编       剧 Bill L. No...


  • [Spider comes back with a condom] Spider: I forgot my rubber. Spider's Whore: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • feb 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Did you remember to bring your dick? Dave: Just get one thing straight, Wimp. We may be stuck with you, but that doesn't mean you're going to ruin our trip just because you're a little brat kid! We're going to be as crude as we want, as filthy as we want, and as gross as we want! You understand that, Wimp? Wendell: My name's Wendell, and why should today be any different? Dave: Wimp, I'm not like ordinary guys. I've got more than hormones, or something. You know, like a male nymphomaniac? Wendell: I feel sorry for you, Dave. Dave: Then loan me a few bucks, so I can go to another whorehouse! Dave: You know what that Tuck-and-Roll guy's doing right now? He's stuffing my seats with horseshit! Marine: Hey! The MP's will have us out of here. And when they do, you're dead. Spider: Says who, dick-breath? Dave: I heard about this guy who got some spanish flies for his girlfriend, because she wasn't putting out. He gave her one and stopped at a liquor store or something, and when he came out guess what he found? Woody: She was dead on top of the gearshift. Dave: You know the same guy! Woody: No, the same story. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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