The Pee-wee Herman Show (1981)

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  • [Miss Yvonne notices Pee Wee looking depressed and he explains why] Pee Wee Herman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Once upon a time, there was this boy, and he knew this beautiful woman. It's not you, though. Well, the beautiful woman tells this boy that she has this secret wish, and her wish is that she wants this guy to really like her. So, anyway, the boy makes this huge, personal sacrifice and he gives his wish away. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Miss Yvonne: To the beautiful woman? Pee Wee Herman: That's right. [He leaps up from his seat, clearly agitated] Pee Wee Herman: It's not like the boy expects like he's gonna get anything in return or anything, but... but then he doesn't *get* anything in return; nothing happens! Nothing happens at all! Zip, zero, zilch, they're ain't nothing, no advancements, no nothing! It just doesn't seem fair. It's not like the boy doesn't have a wish of his own. Now I'm never gonna get to... [He realizes his mistake] Pee Wee Herman: I mean, now the *boy* is never gonna get to fly... I gotta go be myself, Miss Yvonne. [He hurries out the door] Miss Yvonne: No, Pee Wee, stay here with me! Pee Wee Herman: [crying] No! No! Miss Yvonne: Oh, poor Pee Wee. Jambi the Genie: Cooool Caucasian! [in response to seeing his new mail order hands] Pee Wee Herman: [Hammy's fly is down] Hey Hammy, got a license to sell hot dogs? Pterri: They say that Karl is a bad mother... Pee Wee Herman: Shut your mouth. Pterri: Well I was only talking about Karl. Pee Wee Herman: I can dig it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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