布偶的玩意 (1981)

  • 英国
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  • 家庭  喜剧  经典
  • 片       名布偶的玩意
  • 上映时间1981年06月26日(美国)
  • 导       演 Jim Henson


  • [Kermit is sitting on a bench - a man and his daughter walk by] Girl: Look, Dad. There's a bear. Father: No, dear. That's a frog. Bears wear hats. Miss Piggy: You! It was you! Kermit was right there! You're a phony. You're a phony. Yes, you are! And you know what, you can't even sing. Your voice was dubbed. Miss Piggy: [Lady Holiday has just given Miss Piggy the entire backstory for the movie] Why are you telling me all this? Lady Holiday: It's plot exposition. It has to go somewhere. Statler: I guess all's well that ends well. Waldorf: I don't care, as long as it ends. Truck Driver: What are you doing here? Oscar the Grouch: A very brief cameo. Truck Driver: Me too. Kermit: We're going to catch those crooks red-handed. Beauregard: What color are their hands now? Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: I suggest we jump. Fozzie: Are you crazy? There's about 100 feet. Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: I didn't say it was a good suggestion. Kermit: How come you don't have an English accent? Beauregard: Hey I'm lucky to have a driver's license. Pops: Hey, how're you guys fixin' to pay? Kermit: What are our choices? Pops: A: Credit card; B: Cash; C: Sneak out in the middle of the night. Fozzie: We'll take C. Pops: Very popular choice. Fozzie: [about run-down hotel] If that's the Happiness Hotel, I'd hate to see what the sad one looks like. Gonzo: Stop the presses! News Editor: Why? What happened? Gonzo: I don't know. I just always wanted to say that. Fozzie: What does "BSC" stand for? Kermit: I don't know. Kermit: I hate to be rude, but we're trying to do a movie. Statler: Hey, Waldorf. Wake up. Here come the bikinis. Waldorf: Oh, boy. We must synchronize our pacemakers. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Miss Piggy 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : What am I? A glutton for punishment? Kermit: We were wondering if you could recommend a nice hotel. Actually, a cheap hotel. British Gentleman: How cheap? Fozzie: Free. British Gentleman: Well then, that narrows the field a bit. [reading from his guide] British Gentleman: Let's see. "Places where you can park your carcasses." Bus terminals. River banks. The Happiness Hotel. Kermit: The Happiness Hotel? That sounds great. Gonzo: What's wrong with bus terminals? Fozzie: Mr. Holiday, sir. Will you let him go? If you hold him too long, he'll just give you warts. Gonzo: Is that the Eiffel Tower? Fozzie: Yeah! Kermit: No. Fozzie: No. No. Miss Piggy: [about Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem's playing] They don't have to play this loud. Kermit: That's okay, they don't mind. Fozzie: I guess this would be a bad time to ask for a raise? Nicky Holiday: Miss Piggy you're a very different looking woman. I'm so tired of the same type. Those tall thin creatures with the long legs, the aquiline noses, the teeth like pearls, soft skin. Miss Piggy: Yeah, well I can see where that might make you sick to your stomach. [Kermit, Fozzie and Gonzo are in cages on an airline flight] Fozzie: Kermit, I'm hungry. When do we get to eat? Kermit: Sorry Fozzie, they don't serve food in 9th class. Air Steward: All out for England. Kermit: Great the plane is landing. Air Steward: [opens cargo door in mid-flight] No, the plane lands in Italy. You land in England. Air Steward: All out for the USA. Kermit: Great. How close are we? Air Steward: About 30,000 feet. Kermit: You mean... Air Steward: [opens cargo door in mid-flight again] Yep, happy landings. Sam the Eagle: You are all - WEIRDOS. [In a hot-air balloon] Gonzo: I'd like to try this without a balloon. Kermit: Try what? Plummeting? Gonzo: Yeah. Kermit: I suppose you could try it once. Prison Guard: Miss Piggy. Miss Piggy: What? Prison Guard: Your lawyer is here to see you. Miss Piggy: Lawyer? I don't have a lawyer. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Prison Guard 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Och, sure you do. Little green guy. Miss Piggy: [short intake of breath] Kermie. Oh. No wonder he hasn't come by to see me. He had to finish law school. Kermit: What's wrong with the drummer? He looks a little crazed. Zoot: Oh, he's just upset about missing the Rembrandt exhibit at the National Gallery. Animal: Renoir! [Pops is driving the bus with Electric Mayhem in back] Pops: [to Kermit and friends who want to get on the bus] You'll have to sit in the front seat, the back's been quarantined. Beauregard: What's your room number? Kermit: What? Fozzie: I don't know, but we're on the second floor. Beauregard: Oh, I'm sorry. I can only take you as far as the lobby. British Gentleman: For once the forecast was right. It said it was going to rain cats and dogs. Kermit: No, no. We're bears and frogs. Gonzo: And Gonzos. Security Guard: But I hate pepperoni! Fozzie: [sighs] It was nice of the Chronicle to pay for our flight home. Pops: Yeah, but a man should be treated better than his luggage. Scooter: Yeah, well, my luggage was sucked out the door. Luckily my radio is frozen to my wrist. Lady Holiday: I feel like thieves are breathing down my neck. Nicky Holiday: [breathing down her neck] Thieves aren't breathing down your neck. Kermit: Quiet! [all fall silent except Janice] Janice: "Look, Mother. It's my life. OK. So if I want to live on a beach and walk around naked..." Oh. Delivery Man: Mr. Holiday, did you order a gross of flowered socks? Lady Holiday: [to Nicky] You left your wallet in college. Lady Holiday: That outfit's the pits. Loose where it should be tight and tight where it should be loose like it folds on a turkey's neck. Miss Piggy: I love you too... Rosenthal. Rowlf: Let me talk to them. Woof woof. Woof woof. [guard dogs start to heel] Rowlf: It helps to know a second language. Fozzie: Kermit, are bears allowed in those fountains? Kermit: [bewildered] What? Fozzie: Are bears allowed in those fountains? Kermit: No 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • , I don't think so. Fozzie: I need a bath. [Kermit, Gonzo, and Fozzie are in a hot air balloon, flying through the opening credits] Gonzo: Gee, a lot of people worked on this movie! Kermit: Oh, this is nothing. Wait 'til you see the end credits. [Kermit, Gonzo, and Fozzie are in a hot air balloon, flying through the opening credits] Fozzie: Nobody really reads those. Do they? Prison Guard: TWO MINUTES PIG! Gonzo: [after taking pictures of pigeons outside] Local poultry. Pops: [banging on bathroom door] Hey! Open up! Kermit: Sorry, but we're trying to catch a thief! Pops: Well, catch him in another room! We've got people prancing up and down on one leg out here! Kermit: [going over check list] Wax lips? Zoot: [checking his pockets] Man, I just had them! Kermit: Maybe you left them in your other pants? Zoot: I don't have no other pants! Kermit: [going over checklist] Whoopie cushion? Dr. Teeth: [slyly] It's on the bus. [everyone laughs] Scooter: I brought the hot mustard! Kermit: Hot mustard? For what? Scooter: Maybe we can eat through the bars. Kermit: [on the plane] Someone's coming. Fozzie: Oh, maybe they're bringing hamburgers. News Editor: Have you seen these headlines? [reads newspaper] News Editor: "JEWEL HEIST ON MAINSTREET!" And in state-bold print. Kermit: Yes, so its very easy to read. News Editor: Shut up. Kermit: [sheepish] I'm sorry. News Editor: "Lady Holliday's Jewels Stolen," thats what it says in The Times. And here's The Herald, "Fashion Queen Of London Robbed." And last, but not least [chuckles] News Editor: here's our cute little banner story, "Identicle Twins Join The Chronicle Staff." Now I as you, which would you read? Fozzie: I read the one with "Dear Abby" in it. News Editor: OH! [News Editor pounds fist into desk in frustration, causing Gonzo to jump with fright up into the ceiling] Fozzie: [pleading] We'll do better next time. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Next time? Next time! [pounds fist into desk] News Editor: What makes you think there's gonna be a next time? Kermit: Well, if there isn't, sir, it's going to be a really short movie. Kermit: [on the plane to England] I think I'll read for a while... I wish I had a book. Gonzo: [going over the Thames] What's the name of this river? Kermit: I don't know. Fozzie: I believe it is the English river. Fozzie: [Gonzo takes a picture on the bus] Oh did I get my elbow in the shot? Gonzo: Don't worry it adds human interest. Fozzie: But I'm a bear. Kermit: [standing outside the Mallory Gallery] How do we get in? Fozzie: I suggest we ring the door bell. Fozzie: I sure could use something from one or more of the basic food groups. Gonzo: [looking at the models] Hubba hubba! Miss Piggy: Adios, mon cherie. Nicky Holiday: [Lady Holiday's necklace has just been stolen] What do you want me to do? I just spilled ketchup all over my cummerbund. Dorcas: What would you buy if you were bored? Neville: Uh... a jar of calf's foot jelly. Kermit: [at the supper club] It's amusing that the roast beef is the same price as an Oldsmobile. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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