电影电影 (1979)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  经典
  • 片       名电影电影
  • 上映时间1979年12月13日(美国)
  • 导       演 斯坦利·多南


  • Doctor: Mrs. Popchik, as you know, the eye is the second most sensitive organ on the human body. Your young daughter's eye muscles are extremely weak. They can barely hold up what she sees. If any part of the human body has a tendency to break down, I'm afraid the eyes have it. Doctor: Spats, it may not show up on the x-ray, but your heart is pure silk too. Joey Popchik: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Fightin's for suckers. I'm goin' to night school to be a lawyer. These hands are for readin' books. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Joey Popchik: You know what they charge for an eye? An arm and a leg. Host: The La Chez Maison is proud to present, in her eighth month, Miss Troubles Moran! Joey Popchik: Mine's the next slum. Hood: Here we are in the country, Mr. Marlow. Angie Popchik: I can see with one eye tied behind my back! Joey Popchik: Funny, isn't it? How many times your guts can get a slap in the face. Joey Popchik: I'm fightin' in the Garden tomorrow night. Gloves Malloy: I heard it in the papers. Jinks Murphy: Hey, don't tell me my business. I've taped more hands than you've got in your whole head. Gloves Malloy: Go ahead, go ahead. Shoot. But killin' me never solved nothin'. Joey Popchik: We cannot bring Gloves Malloy's death back to life. Joey Popchik: With the woman that you love at your side to stand behind you, a man can move mountains with his bare heart. Joey Popchik: It was the late great Gloves Malloy who said how hard it is to say what there are no words for. Joey Popchik: When a man says what's right, what's good, what's real, and what's true, then his mouth is ten feet tall. Spats Baxter: Say, do you think you could write a Broadway score? Dick Cummings: Oh, it's been my lifelong dream, for years! Dr. Bowers: One minute you're standing in the wings, and the next minute you're wearin' 'em. Joey Popchik: You got it and I want it. Vince Marlow: That's right. I got it and you want it and you'll get it when I give it, got it? Joey Popchik: Gentlemen of the jury, the state cries out that the murder of Gloves Malloy be avenged. It cries so loud that I finished law school as fast as I could so that poetic justice could be served and so that I personally could prosecute the man responsible, Vince Marlowe. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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