The Last Remake of Beau Geste (1977)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  冒险
  • 片       名The Last Remake...
  • 上映时间1977年07月15日
  • 导       演 马蒂·费德曼
  • 剧       情
    The priceless Blue Water sapphire is coveted by the heirs of Sir Hector Geste - his new wife, Flavia; his daughter, Isabel; and his adopted ...


  • Sir Hector: Damn and blast my sow of a wife, God bless her! Crumble: And all w 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • ho sail in her. Dr. Crippen: I bear both good tidings and bad tidings. First, your wife is dead. Sir Hector: And the bad tidings? Digby Geste: We were identical twins, but somehow Beau was much more identical than me. Sir Hector: She just lost her seventh husband. Beau Geste: Lost or mislaid? Markov: Life is as brief as a butterfly's fart, but death is something that you have forever. From now on, you will march until you drop, and when you have dropped, you will crawl. Some may consider that I am excessively cruel, but there is a reason for this cruelty: I enjoy it! Markov: I have reason to believe it is secreted about his person. Boldini: It's not in his pockets; I have picked them. Markov: In that case, you will have to pick his person. General Pecheur: Will you shut up?! Digby Geste: I'm afraid I can't answer that question, sir. [Facing a firing squad] Digby Geste: You expect me to talk when all I could preserve is my own measly, worthless life? TOO BLOODY RIGHT, I'LL TALK! I'll talk, I'll talk, just try and stop me! [bidding farewell to departing soldiers] General Pecheur: May God go with you. *I* have better things to do. [12 year-old Beau and Digby discussing a Viking Funeral] Beau Geste (age 12): A Viking funeral...Digby, will you set fire to me and bury me at sea? Digby Geste (age 12): Well, alright...but not until you're dead. Beau Geste: Medals are like hemorrhoids, Dig. Sooner or later every asshole gets one. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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