末期的表演 (1977)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 犯罪  灾难  喜剧
  • 片       名末期的表演
  • 上映时间1977年02月10日
  • 导       演 罗伯特·本顿
  • 又       名末期的表演 最后的表演 The Late Show
  • 编       剧 罗伯特·本顿
  • 剧       情
    阿特·卡尼(Art Carney)扮演一位即将退休的侦探。他发现自己突然被两件看起来毫不相干的事件吸引住了。一件是牵涉到他曾经的助手的谋杀案。另一件则是一个古怪的嬉皮士要求他帮助找回她走失了的猫。
  • 获       奖


  • Laura Birdwell: I am going to be totally open and honest with you. I'm going to lay myself naked before you. I hope you can appreciate that. < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • b>Margo Sperling: He'll try. Margo Sperling: Boy, it's really lucky for you that I just happen to be a very self-destructive person. Margo Sperling: [to Charles] This car is not only a toilet, but you are the attendant. Ira: [to Lamar] You wanna know somethin', punk? You were born dumb and you're gonna die dumb. Ron Birdwell: Let's just cut to the chase, huh, Pop? Ira: I'm not as young as I used to be. [Margo has pictures of her cat, Winston, that she wants Ira to find] Margo Sperling: This little kitty is just a little honey bun. Give this little cat a break! [Ira's talking to Margo] Ira: Back in the Forties, this town was crawlin' with dollies like you. Good-lookin' coquettes tryin' their damnedest to act tough as hell. I got news for you: they did it better back then. This town doesn't change - they just push the names around. Same dames... screwin' up their lives just the same way. Ira: Why was, uh, this Escobar blackmailing you? Laura Birdwell: Well, I was seeing this man. We were having an affair. Ira: Your husband didn't know anything about it? Margo Sperling: Does the Pope shit in the woods? [last lines] Ira: Mrs. Schmidt asked me to move out. That place next door to you, is that still empty? Margo Sperling: I don't know, Ira. I don't think I could take it. I mean you just never say anything, for God's sake. It's not fair, 'cause I have to keep up my side of the conversation and your side of the conversation. Yeah, that's it - you just never say anything, for God's sake. I want some feedback from you. I wanna... I wanna know what you think about things... and what you think about me. Ira: Jesus Christ, would it kill you if once and awhile you wore a goddamned dress? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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