残破的痕迹 (2006)

  • 加拿大 美国
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  • Tom Harte: [after killing the man who stole from them, Harte returns to find his uncle teaching the girls English] So I went and got our horses and our money... had to stretch a fella... and you start a finishing school for Chinese girls. Prentice Ritter: We're all travelers in this world. From the sweet grass to the packing house. Birth 'til death. We travel between the eternities. Prentice Ritter: I get rousted out of my sleep sometimes when Nature calls. I find there's something frightening 'bout that hour of the night 'cause there ain't no foolin' yourself 'bout what you done or what you hadn't done with your life. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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