"The Magnificent Seven" (1998)

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"The Magnificent Seven"


  • advertisement John Nichols: Ma'll be mad if he's too dead to kill. Buck: Well, hell, Ezra, this hand's got as much chance as a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest. Buck: Me and that Inez are finito! Inez Rocios: Senor, you have a mouth. Buck: So do you. Maybe they should get together sometime? Ezra: Gentlemen, gentlemen, please, this is obviously a case of mistaken identity. Ezra: Calls to mind the decline and fall of Rome which... Josiah: Ezra, shut up. Buck: Well, Ezra, you're no match for El Buck. Vin: [Ezra walks out of the saloon with only a rug around his waist and his boots] Loose something, Ezra? Ezra: He cheated. He cheated! I know he cheated! What are you looking at! Boo! Ezra: You're sneaky, I'll give you that, but you're? you're? help me out here, Buck. Buck: You are crookeder than a yellow-bellied snake makin' its way through a prickly pear patch. Ezra: Thank you. Chris: I was thinkin' about whiskey, a room, a bed, more whiskey. Ezra: When the sanctified dead rise from their graves to receive judgment, I'll start doling out cash. Ezra: Well, sir, now that we are rid of that loathsome curmudgeon, you may effect my emancipation. J.D.: Huh? Ezra: Let me out. [Five of the seven are on their way to catch an outlaw and Ezra, who is in jail, wants to go along] Chris Larabee: You ran out on me once before. You wouldn't be thinking about doing that again, would you? Ezra Standish: I swear upon the grave of my sainted mother. J.D. Dunne: You told me your mother was alive. Ezra Standish: It's a figure of speech. Ezra Standish: Whoa! Chris Larabee: Now that was good timing. Ezra Standish: Sorry for the delay. Josiah: Now that there's divine intervention. Me, I was gonna shoot your hand off. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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