Gunsmoke: One Man's Justice (1994)

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  • 片       名Gunsmoke: One M...
  • 上映时间1994年02月10日
  • 导       演 杰瑞·詹姆森
  • 剧       情
    After his mother is killed in a wagoncoach robbery a young man pursues the gang responsible. Matt Dillon goes after him hoping to stop him b...


  • [first lines] [Sam hands Matt a cup of coffee] Sam the Cook: Thanks, Sam. Sam the Cook: Did you decide what kind of cake you want? Matt Dillon: Just keep it simple. I don't want Beth and Josh to think they're on the wrong spread. Sam the Cook: You say that every birthday! Sam the Cook: You know, it's not really a party without candles on your cake. Matt Dillon: What did we do last year? Sam the Cook: It slips my mind. How many candles was it? Matt Dillon: Oh, I'd say it was over Sam the Cook: You say that every year! [although Matt warned him to stay out of trouble, Davis starts a bar room brawl] Matt Dillon: All you salesman that rowdy? Davis Healy: Hey, nobody starts in barbed wire! I've been a few things. Matt Dillon: Any of 'em effect your hearing? Davis Healy: You warned me. Sorry. Matt Dillon: Sorry gets it once. [Matt captures a murderous outlaw and brings him to the Tucson sheriff for trial] Sheriff Deke Clamber: Anybody but you, Matt, would have left him to the buzzards. Davis Healy: That might be cruelty to animals. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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