
  这是个炎热又污浊的天气,而这三个牛仔最想要的,是能够有片宽阔的地方让他们渡过今夜。但希望落空的三人,从赶集回来遇见了Bad Jim,反而意外进入一段抢劫银行的刺激历险。      Bad Jim曾经是比利小子拥有的狂野悍马,经过快速的马...更多>


July: Yeah, I believe a fella would believe most anything if all he ever saw was the ass end of a cow. Tom Jefferd: Those savages are crazy! They come running in here, jabbin' at us with those sticks, and then runnin' off hollerin'. One of 'em got me right here in the shoulder... just light as a feather. July: Countin' coup. Tom Jefferd: What? July:


I'm saying that's just like the Indian... for the glory of it, that's all. They ain't much for killin'.


B.D.: Now, that town marshal, he don't look like much neither. But I don't believe they give him that badge just to keep his vest from flappin'. [B.D. and John survive a gunfight] B.D.: Well, as you said, it was them or us. John T. Coleman: Well, it should have been us. They were the ones in the right.


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