大盗巴巴罗沙 (1982)

  • 美国
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  • 西部
  • 片       名大盗巴巴罗沙
  • 上映时间1982年02月19日
  • 导       演 弗雷德·谢波西
  • 又       名大盗巴巴罗沙 Barbarosa
  • 编       剧 William D....
  • 剧       情


  • Karl: I killed a fella back in Texas. A big damn fella too. Barbarosa: Well, old Sam Colt makes everybody just about the same size. Karl: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I didn't shoot him. I hit him with a tree limb. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Barbarosa has just killed a Mexican bounty hunter] Barbarosa: I can't teach you people a damn thing. Barbarosa: Always stand still until you're done shooting. Nothin' scares a man more than for you to be standin' still when you should be runnin' like a spotted assed ape. [to a young Mexican gunfighter] Barbarosa: You ain't got enough ass in your britches to pull the trigger on Barbarosa. Barbarosa: Drop those saddlebags and help me up, dammit! [Karl drops the bags over the cliff] Barbarosa: Why'd you drop them down there? Karl: Well, you said to drop them and help you! Barbarosa: We already been down there! [Rain starts to fall] Barbarosa: Why don't you go ahead and just rain on me then? Karl: Are you all right? Barbarosa: No, I ain't all right! Do I look all right? Karl: Well, you look better than you did when you was at the bottom of that grave. Barbarosa: Did you have bad trouble back there. Karl Westover: Yes, sir. Barbarosa: Well, the Mexicans got a saying - what cannot be remedied must be endured. [Don Baulio has chosen the next one to go after Barabarosa] Don Braulio Zuvalla: Eduardo. You are the one. You will go after Barabarosa. Will you know him? Eduardo: Si, I will know him. From the songs we sing and the stories we tell, I will know him. Don Braulio Zuvalla: Kill him; kill this Barbarosa. Bring me his cojones. Bring them to me on a stick so we can see them and honor you. [Barbarosa and Karl are surrounded by bandits] Angel: You are on my road, senor. Barbarosa: This is your road? I don't see any signs. You see any signs, farm boy? You should put up a sign; this is my road. Angel: Signs? Look around you, there are signs everywhere (nods toward armed bandits). Maybe you don't know who I am. Barbarosa: I think I recognize you. You're Mr. Shit. Angel: I am Angel Morales. Barbarosa: Do you know who I am? Angel: Si, senor; I know who you are. Barbarosa: (to Karl) We might be in a little trouble here. [Morales is talking to his parents] Angel: [to Karl] My father says you stopped Barbarosa from robbing him. Barbarosa: Yeah, I was goin' to rob your pitiful old daddy and then shoot that squawkin' old woman just for spite! Karl: My name is Karl Albert Westover... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Barbarosa 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : You been shit outtta luck ever since you was born, ain't you, boy? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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