Diamante Lobo (1976)

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Diamante Lobo
  • 片       名Diamante Lobo
  • 上映时间1977年05月06日(挪威)
  • 导       演 Gianfranco...


  • Jenny: You bastard! Sam Clayton: Me? [Laughs] Sam Clayton: come on! Father John: Mine is the vengeance, sayeth the lord. Sam Clayton: I ain't getting no younger. Time just goes by and then... then one day... one day you just get older and suddenly... you find yourself... all alone. Jenny: You deserve to be alone. Rip: I may be crippled all my life, but I'll be rich! Sam Clayton: What the hell happened to you? Rip: I got dupped by that goddamn kid! But now it's your turn! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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