Alias Smith and Jones (1971)

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Alias Smith and Jones
  • 片       名Alias Smith and...
  • 上映时间1971年01月05日(美国)
  • 导       演 Gene Levit...


  • [opening narration] narrator (opening sequence only): 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Into the West came many men. Some were good men and some were bad men. Some were good men with some bad in them and some were bad men with some good in them. This is the story of two pretty good bad men. Hannibal Heyes and Kid Curry. Together these gentlemen substantially altered the course of America's frontier. They did a lot to change railroad schedules, too. And in all the trains and banks they robbed, they never shot anyone. This made our two latter-day Robin Hoods very popular... with everyone but the railroads and the banks. Because unlike Robin Hood, Hannibal Heyes and Kid Curry robbed from the rich and kept the money for themselves. It was a good life. But times were changing. Safes were getting better. Posses were getting bigger. Sheriffs were getting smarter. And modern communications made it only a matter of time 'til they would be captured, and maybe even killed. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jed Kid Curry - Thaddeus Jones: Well, you know what we got here, Mr. Smith? We got ourselves a walk-off. Hannibal Heyes - Joshua Smith: Don't get started. Kane: Walk-off? I don't like that, mister. I don't even know what it means. Jed Kid Curry - Thaddeus Jones: Well, then, I'm gonna tell ya. You see, when the good Lord was makin' men, He got a whole bunch of 'em all whomped up together and then He decided to knock off for the rest of the day, thinkin' He'd put the brains in later. But guess what happened? A whole bunch of them critters just upped and walked off 'fore he ever got back. And that's what we've got here. Walk-off. Hannibal Heyes - Joshua Smith: What do you know about this? [hands over amnesty poster] Sheriff Lom Trevors: Amnesty? It's a program the governor's trying out to see if... [laughs] Sheriff Lom Trevors: You ain't thinking of amnesty for you two? That's for cheap crooks and grifters! Hannibal Heyes - Joshua Smith: Can we help it if we're a bit better at what we do? Jed Kid Curry - Thaddeus Jones: You can't tell me the governor's gonna penalize us for excellence! Hannibal Heyes - Joshua Smith: Don't get proddy, Wheat. Kyle: Ain't you nervous, Wheat? Wheat: H'uh? Kyle: Well, you never done first bandit before. Wheat: Don't move and don't holler, 'cause this is a stick-up. [sees Heyes] Wheat: What are you doing back there? Hannibal Heyes - Joshua Smith: One thing I ain't doin' is gettin' robbed! Deputy Harker: And in this town, you boys is knowed as transients. Wheat: Transients... Kyle: Sounds like a hanging offense if I ever heard one. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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