乡下佬 (1971)

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  • Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles: And now you understand. Anything goes wrong, anything at all... your fault, my fault, nobody's fault... it won't matter - I'm gonna blow your head off. No matter what else happens, no matter who gets killed I'm gonna blow your head off. [to his son] Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles: You can call me Dad, you can call me Father, you can call me Jacob and you can call me Jake. You can call me a dirty old son-of-a-bitch, but if you EVER call me Daddy again, I'll finish this fight. John Fain: Who are you? Jake: Jacob McCandles. John Fain: I thought you were dead. Jake: Not hardly. O'Brian: They tell me you killed two good men in a fair fight tonight. That true? James McCandles: No, three; countin' you. Martha McCandles: They're very dangerous men. They've already killed ten people, many of them you know... Juan and his family... Jake: Tina and the little boy? Martha McCandles: And Moses Brown. Jake: Old Mose... lousy cook. Pop Dawson: Say, you don't look too good. The sight of blood bother you? Jake: Only my own. Jake: Throw a blanket over 'im (a horse). James McCandles: I can ride without a blanket. Jake: I'm not worrying about your butt! It's his back! [Big Jake and Sam Sharpnose try to get a hotel room] Jake: Give us a room. Hotel desk clerk: The dog is all right, but, ah, we do not allow Indians. Jake: Well, if you can shoot that far, a quarter of a mile straight along the edge of my nose is a mountain buck. Shoot it. Michael McCandles: I don't kill to make a point, Father. Jake: Michael, there's two reason to kill - survival and meat. We need meat! Jake: You're short on ears and long on mouth! John Fain: A ranch sure is a deserted looking place during a round-up. Jake: What do you do when cockroaches get in the woodwork, Michael? James McCandles: Smoke 'em out? Jake: That's right. Michael McCandles: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Why not wait for them to make the first move? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jake: Because waiting is good for them and bad for us. You get impatient, nervy, careless and maybe dead. John Fain: You come close, mister, but no cigar! James McCandles: I am moved by your faith in someone you haven't seen since he was sixteen years old, Daddy! Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles: Daddy? James McCandles: Daddy. Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles: Well, son; since you don't have any respect for your elders, it's time somebody taught you some respect for your betters! [grabs James and throws him into a mud puddle] James McCandles: Why, if you weren't my father... Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles: Go ahead. I give you leave. [James swings and misses, Jake hits him and knocks him back into the puddle] Gunman at bathhouse in Escondero: [Cocking his pistol] No hard feelings, mister. Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles: [Shoots him with a shotgun he has hidden in the shower stall] The hell there ain't. John Fain: We rode down, thought you might be hirin'. Bert Ryan: We was. John Fain: Was? [looks around] John Fain: You know, this place sure speaks of a lot of money. You know what the problem with money is? Somebody's always trying to take it from you. Still, that's the only problem. [Pulls gun and shoots Bert] James McCandles: Do this, do that! I'm gonna do whatever I want! Sam Sharpnose: You do what he tells you, every time he tells you and we might come through this alive! Might even save the boy. Otherwise you're gonna get yourself killed. Don't matter to me, but you'll probably get him killed too, and that does. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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