
  • Catlow: Now you keep those mules moving or we'll have those asses full of lead instead of gold. Catlow: Ben, it's maverick gold. It belongs to anyone who can round it up. Cowan: It don't belong to you. You can't steal from a man just because you don't know his name. Miller: Now, how good are you on a horse? Catlow: As good as the next man. Miller: You ain't heard the conditions. You ride this bronc with your hands tied behind your back... and your neck in that noose! Cowan: Well, you see, all I own is a couple of guns and a tin star and, of course, a beautiful new horse and saddle. Christina: Is that how you judge the worth of a man? By how much he owns? Merridew: You trust that injun? Catlow: Well, they trust you. Merridew: In that desert, I wouldn't trust no one. Especially me! Catlow: You know, for a smart boy like you, Rio, you're just plain dumb. Merridew: I sure hate to waste good liquor on a dead man. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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