
功夫 (1972) 5.9

Kung Fu

1972-02-22(美国)| 西部 动作| 美国
上映时间:1972-02-22(美国) 类型: 西部 动作
评分: 力荐

From the tiger, he learns tenacity and power. From the white crane, gracefulness. And the dragon teaches him to ride the wind. It could take...更多>


Young Caine: You cannot see. Master Po: You think I cannot see?


Young Caine


: Of all things, to live in darkness must be worst. Master Po: Fear is the only darkness. Master Po: [after easily defeating the boy in combat] Ha, ha, never assume because a man has no eyes he cannot see. Close your eyes. What do you hear? Young Caine: I hear the water, I hear the birds. Master Po: Do you hear your own heartbeat? Young Caine: No. Master Po: Do you hear the grasshopper that is at your feet? Young Caine: [looking down and seeing the insect] Old man, how is it that you hear these things? Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not? Master Po: What do you hear? Caine: I hear the grasshopper. Master Kan: Quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand. [Young Caine tries to do so and fails] Master Kan: When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to leave. Master Kan: Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious, nor can any be replaced. Caine: Is it good to seek the past, Master Po? Does it not rob the present? Master Po: If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present. But if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future. The seeds of our destiny are nurtured by the roots of our past.


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