
  • Jerry: Her mother doesn't like anything, especialy me. Harold: Well, if you get a job or something, she might change her mind, you know? Jerry: A job! Be a little discreet about that, will you, Harold? Somebody's liable to hear you. Harold: Well, you gotta do something, you know? Jerry: Why? The world's here to be enjoyed, not to make you depressed. That's what work does, Harold, it makes you feel depressed. Harold: So instead of being in that state of depression, why don't we head out, okay? Jerry: Swing it! Jerry: How's college? Madison: Fine. [pauses] Madison: You should try it sometime Jerry: No thanks. [chuckling] Jerry: The world's my college. Madame Estrella: You wish your fortunes told? Harold: What do you think we came here for, to eat? Madame Estrella: You dirty, filthy pig! So, I belong with the freaks, huh? I'll fix you so even the freaks won't look at you. Barker: We've got twenty beautiful girls and only ten beautiful costumes! Ortega: Must do as Madame Estrella says. Madame Estrella: Look at the beautiful, speening wheel. See how it speens! Harold: I think you clouded up her crystal ball. Madame Estrella: Clouds affect only the cloudy. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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