德州四杰 (1963)

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  • Elya Carlson: In my country we have a saying: a secret whispered in a coffee house is as confidential as a headline in a newspaper. Joe Jarrett: You made a mistake: you should have shot of his gun hand. Matson: It wouldn't make any difference. Go ahead, shoot it of and I'll still get you. You shoot out my eyes, and I'll still find you! If you put a bullet through my heart then I'll make a deal with the devil! I'd trade him for just enough time to come back from hell and kill you! Joe Jarrett: You know, if you ever need a friend... I wouln't count on that character. Zack Thomas: How 'bout we get down to business? Joe Jarrett: Well I drink much better standing up than sittin'. Zack Thomas: Tell me something Mr. Jarrett, how many states would you say your'e wanted in? Joe Jarrett: How many states are there Mr. Thomas? Joe Jarrett: Oh, I give you a hundred thousand dollars and you'll give me partner, right ? You know in most states I can get a partner for five thousand dollars and the'll throw in a governor. Zack Thomas: Of course you must be thinking of Rhode Island. This here is Texas. Joe Jarrett: ...and then there are the kids... all twenty five of them. Zack Thomas: Twenty five? You must have the fastest horse in texas. You'd better have a little more of this to keep your strenght up. Maxine Richter: I like men who worry about me. Joe Jarrett: You dont have to worry about me. I'm a great worrier. Sometimes a worry for months on end. Maxine Richter: [Talking about a nude portraid of herself] This was the only thing my husband left me. He was a... connosseur of art. Joe Jarrett: It's a shame he didnt leave you any clothes to go with it. Zack Thomas: Well if I have to die, I prefer being killed by the hand of a beautiful woman. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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