Carry on Cowboy (1966)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧  西部
Carry on Cowboy
  • 片       名Carry on Cowboy
  • 上映时间1966年11月21日(英国)
  • 导       演 Gerald Tho...
  • 又       名Carry on Cowboy
  • 编       剧 Talbot Rot...


  • Sam: I never did get to know exactly what she'd done that was so wrong. Judge Burke: Old Ben was a friend of mine Sam, and she killed him. Doc: It was his own fault. He was ninety-two. I warned him not to marry her! Big Heap: This is my squaw, Kitikata. Charlie: How. Johnny Finger: Never mind how, where! Johnny Finger: [addressing the Indian chief] How! Me-um heap big paleface chief from-um Stodge City. Me-um salute-um big chief. Me-um want-um pow-wow. Big Heap: [speaking perfect English] I say, you do talk funny. You must be foreigners. Belle Armitage: [admiring his gun] My, but you got a big one! Johnny Finger: I'm from Texas, ma'am. We all got big ones down there. Johnny Finger: [the opening scene after he shoots the three men] I wonder what they wanted? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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