Munster, Go Home (1966)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  家庭
Munster, Go Home
  • 片       名Munster, Go Hom...
  • 上映时间1966年06月15日(美国)
  • 导       演 Earl Bella...


  • Herman: "Car 54, Where Are You?" - when finally discovering the secret of Munster Hall. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Herman 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I want to go to the party and put on funny hats and be obnoxious and talk too loud and get stoned- uphold the American image abroad. Marilyn Munster: Uncle Cavanaugh? I didn't know there were any English Munsters. Grandpa Munster: Marilyn dear, no matter where you go in the world, you can always dig up one of our relatives. Herman: Goodbye Spot, don't eat anybody till we get back! Lily Munster: Marilyn, if you should happen to meet any strange men on board, be sure and speak to them. Herman: That's right, dear. Don't let your...unatractiveness make you self conscious. Eddie Munster: Mom, how come pop inherited an English title? I thought he was made in Germany. Lily Munster: Well you see, Eddie, at an early age, your father left doctor Frankenstein's lab in Germany... Herman: [Herman puts a monocle over his eye and looks in the mirror, which promply shatters] That's right, son. Lily Munster: ...and then he arrived in England and he was adopted by a family called Munster, who gave him their name. Eddie Munster: [to Marylin] Since you got to be an old lady of nineteen, you don't wanna have any fun at all! Marilyn Munster: [trying to get out of a Ferrari GT Spider without revealing too much leg] A girl has trouble getting out of these things... Roger: Yes, I think the Italians designed them that way. Shipmate: Did ya hear that? Shipmate: I saw a movie once where a dog howled like that and the next thing you know, he turned back into Lon Chaney, Jr. Roger: I say, I say, you must tell me something. Did you just hideous giant with a ghastly green face? Herbert: I see them all the time, friend, all the time. Lady Effigie Munster: Really children. Last night couldn't have been more badly bungled if I had given it to parliament to do. Cruikshank: Can I get you a bite of breakfast, governor? Herman: Oh, thank you very much, Cruikshank, eh, but I am not a governor. I never even made Alderman. [chuckles] Herman: I'm a simple man, a man of the people. You may call me: Lord. Grace: Mumsy, Freddy is bashing his head against the wall and if he opens a vein it will ruin the drapes. Grandpa Munster: Herman, I must ask Freddie where he gets his slime. It looks imported. Freddie Munster: Mumsy, let me do him in, pretty please? Lady Effigie Munster: He shall be done in, but according to the Griffin's prearranged plan. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Millie: What's the matter with you two blokes? I've seen zombies at the flickers looking 'appier than you two. Grandpa Munster: Listen, buster, this is modern day England, you can't get away with knocking off Herman! Freddie Munster: But that's what makes the whole thing so delightful, we can! Lily Munster: Oh! Freddie Munster, you're not a very nice person! Freddie Munster: I am a thorough rotter. Like all the Musters before me, and proud of it! Eddie Munster: I hope those guys didn't bring any more to-mah-tos Lily Munster: [Lily and Grandpa are 'borrowing' a couple of horses] Grandpa, what if we get caught? Grandpa Munster: Listen, it won't be the first time I was hanged as a horse thief. Freddie Munster: By the way, where's my darling mumsy? Grace: I don't know. I don't understand her missing this, she so enjoys a good killing. Freddie Munster: [still wondering about the identity of 'The Griffin'] By jove, I've got it! It's Cruikshank’s! You know, whenever the Americans make a picture about the British, it's always the butler! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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