Carry on Spying (1964)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧
Carry on Spying
  • 片       名Carry on Spying
  • 上映时间1965年03月10日(英国)
  • 导       演 Gerald Tho...


  • Desmond Simpkins: Oh, Vienna! Lovely! I've always wanted to see Vienna before I die. The Chief: With a bit of luck, you'll do both. [Arriving at the villains' secret lair] Daphne Honeybutt aka Agent Brown Cow: It must be their headquarters! Charlie Bind: [Ogling a female technician bent over some equipment] Looks more like their hindquarters. Doctor Crow: I am Doctor Crow. You are surprised? Daphne Honeybutt aka Agent Brown Cow: Yes, I am! I expected you to be a man... or a woman. Harold Crump: [approaching Carstairs, in disguise as the filter tip bootlace salesman] I cannot smoke those, they make me deaf! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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