Carry on Regardless (1963)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧
Carry on Regardless
  • 又       名Carry on Regardless
  • 编       剧 Norman Hud...


  • Sir Theodore, Testy Old Man: Do you provide substitutes? Miss Cooling: [shocked] No! This is a respectable firm! [Dimple has mistakenly arrived at a strip club instead of an aviary] Strip Club Manager: What do you want? Gabriel Dimple: Your birds, and I can't wait. Tell me, what sort are they? Strip Club Manager: What sort you like? Gabriel Dimple: Blue tits. Strip Club Manager: Eh? Gabriel Dimple: Have you got any? Strip Club Manager: No. No, this place is centrally heated. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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