
  • Grand Duchess Gloriana: How did the war go? Tulley Bascombe: Well, this is a bit of a surprise. A pleasant one, I hope. I think we've won. [There is an explosion and we see a huge mushroom cloud on the horizon] Narrator: Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the end of the film. However, something like this might easily happen, and we thought we should put you in the proper mood. And now, back to our story. General Snippet: I warn you, madam - I know the entire Geneva Convention by heart! Grand Duchess Gloriana: Oh, how nice! You must recite it for me some evening; I play the harpsichord. General Snippet: Remember, men, no matter what they do, don't talk. U.S. Policeman: What if they torture us? General Snippet: Just don't talk! U.S. Policeman: Can we scream a little? Tulley Bascombe: Remember, men. There is nothing wrong with surrendering to overwhelming powers, as long as it is done in a military manner. Prime Minster Count Rupert Mountjoy: My idea was sound. Only an idiot could have won this war, and he did. Tulley Bascombe: My girl, and my bomb! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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