夺情记 (1958)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  爱情  奇幻


  • Shepherd 'Shep' Henderson: That girl you know, Gillian Holroyd, she's one. Merle Kittridge: A witch? Shepherd 'Shep' Henderson: Yes! Merle Kittridge: Shep, you just never learned to spell. Merle Kittridge: Are you trying to say you're... *jilting* me? Shepherd 'Shep' Henderson: W-well, that's a very heavy word, Merle. It's a very heavy word. Let's just say that we're... uncoupling. Queenie: She's in love. Nicky Holroyd: Wouldn't she rather be dead? Shepherd 'Shep' Henderson: She used a cat. Parrot: Cat! Queenie: I sit in the subway sometimes, on buses, or the movies, and I look at the people next to me and I think..."What would you say if I told you I was a witch?" Shepherd 'Shep' Henderson: I may sound like a lunatic, but I'm not crazy! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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