幽浮魔点 (1958)

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  • 恐怖  科幻


  • [after throwing acid on the Blob] Kate, the nurse: Doctor, nothing will stop it! Lieutenant Dave: Just because some kid smacks into your wife on the turnpike doesn't make it a crime to be 17 years old. [On the radio to Washington] Lieutenant Dave: I think you should send us the biggest transport plane you have, and take this thing to the Arctic or somewhere and drop it where it will never thaw. [last lines] Lieutenant Dave: At least we've got it stopped. Steve Andrews: Yeah, as long as the Arctic stays cold. [hears dog barking] Jane Martin: I bet there is a house somewhere. 'Mooch' Miller: [laughs] It doesn't sound like a house, it sounds like a dog. [outside supermarket] Steve Andrews: [friends come running up to he and Jane] Where have you kids been? It's in there! It's in there! I wish I were kidding. It's in there! Steve Andrews: How do you get people to protect themselves from something they don't believe in? Steve Andrews: Dave! Doc Hallen's been killed! Lieutenant Dave: Doc Hallen? What happened? Steve Andrews: It's over at his place, you've gotta come now! Lieutenant Dave: Now wait a minute Steve, tell us what happened. Steve Andrews: I'm trying to tell you, now this thing has killed the Doc. Sgt. Jim Bert: Well what was it? Out with it, kid! Steve Andrews: Well it's kind of a... kind of a mass, it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Lieutenant Dave: Come on, Steve, make sense. Steve Andrews: I know, I know, look Dave, you gotta see this thing to believe what I'm telling you. Sgt. Jim Bert: Maybe this thing you saw was a... monster? Steve Andrews: Yeah, maybe it was, I don't know. Lieutenant Dave: Hold on, Jim, now what is this, Steve? A little while ago it was driving backwards, now it's monsters. Jane Martin: He's not making it up, Dave, honest! Steve Andrews: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dave, I'm not kidding you, I swear, come out to the Doc's, you can see it for yourself. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Sgt. Jim Bert: You're crazy if you go, can't you see it's a gag? Lieutenant Dave: He says Doc Hallen's dead, Jim, we've got to check it out. Henry Martin: Well then young lady, do you mind telling me where you've been spending the evening? Jane Martin: Daddy, it's all right. Henry Martin: [sarcastically] Oh yes, everything's fine, I always stop by the police station in the middle of the night to pick up my daughter. Don't you realize that by morning this will be all over town? Jane Martin: Well we were just trying to warn people. Henry Martin: After all I am the principal at the high school. [to Steve] Henry Martin: Young man this is the last time you'll going to take my daughter out! Jane Martin: Steve didn't do anything wrong! Dr. T. Hallen: [on the phone] Kate? It's Dr. Hallen, I'm still at the office... something's come up, I need you back here right away. No you've got to come back, Kate, there's a man here with some sort of a parasite on his arm, assimilating his flesh at a frightening speed. I may have to get ahead of it and amputate. No... I don't know what it is or where it came from. Tony Gressette: All right Steve, you made us waste our 80 cents, now what gives? [all the teenagers demand to know what's going on] Steve Andrews: Would you believe me if I told you there was something inside of that rock we found tonight? Something that could wipe out this whole town? Tony Gressette: [all the teenagers laugh] Hey knock it off! Go ahead, Steve. Steve Andrews: I saw this thing kill Doc Hallen tonight. [all the kids are shocked] Steve Andrews: That's right. Tony Gressette: What is it? Steve Andrews: I don't know, but one thing's for certain, if it can kill Doctor Hallen it can kill somebody else. Al: Well what do you want us to do, Steve? Steve Andrews: Allright, we're going to find this thing, and we're going to make people believe us. Jane Martin: [hysterical after they just escaped the Blob] Steve... our parents, think we're in bed, at home safe asleep sound. Steve Andrews: [trying to get everybody's attention] Listen, now listen to me everybody, this town is in danger, now several people have been killed already! Now we, we had to make this noise so you would listen to us, so we could warn you! Man: If we're in trouble, where're the police? Sgt. Jim Bert: [sees Steve] You, boy this time you really hung yourself. Steve Andrews: Now look Sarge, just give me a chance to talk to them, that's all. Sgt. Jim Bert: I don't know what kind of stunt it is you're pulling here, but whatever it is it's going to stop right now! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Officer Ritchie 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Here comes Dave! Lieutenant Dave: What's going on here, Jim? Steve! Steve Andrews: Dave, make them listen to me. There IS a monster, we saw it again at dad's store, and it's bigger now! Sgt. Jim Bert: Your story's gotten bigger now kid. Steve Andrews: Dave, look at me! Do I look like somebody's playing a practical joke? Am I laughing? Or am I scared stiff? Lieutenant Dave: He's telling the truth. Lieutenant Dave: Mrs. Porter, did you hear any gunshots tonight? Mrs. Porter: I sure did, tonight and every other night. The people downstairs have them old movies on their televisions. There's always some shooting or screaming. Steve Andrews: You sure you want to go with me? Jane Martin: Yes. Steve Andrews: I wouldn't give much for our chances, us running around in the middle of the night, looking for something that if we found it, it might kill us. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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