两傻查案记 (1949)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  灾难  惊悚
  • 片       名两傻查案记
  • 上映时间1949年09月18日
  • 导       演 查尔斯·巴顿
  • 剧       情


  • [The Swami tries to get a hypnotized Freddie to kill himself] Swami Talpur: Perhaps you should choose the manner of your death. How would you like to die? Freddie Phillips: Old age. Casey Edwards: Freddie, where did you that gun? Freddie Phillips: I don't know. Casey Edwards: Freddie! I am going to ask you for the last time. Where did you get that gun? Freddie Phillips: I don't know. Casey Edwards: Where did you get that gun? Freddie Phillips: Hey, that's not fair. You said "for the last time". I answered it. Swami Talpur: [to Freddie] You're going to commit suicide if it's the last thing you do! Freddie Phillips: It's a booby trap. Casey Edwards: For what? Freddie Phillips: For boobs. Freddie Phillips: [upon escaping a steambox] I saw a hand turn around the corner, and he put on a lot of steam, all the steam he could put on, f-full force...I think somebody's trying to kill me. Freddie Phillips: Who's the culprit? Casey Edwards: The culprit and the murderer are the same! Swami Talpur: [to Freddie in a hypnotic voice] You didn't see me...you didn't see me...you didn't see me...I wasn't here [leaves] Casey Edwards: [to Freddy] Ready to go? Freddie Phillips: I didn't see him. Casey Edwards: You didn't see who? Freddie Phillips: The man who wasn't here. Casey Edwards: What're you talking about? Freddie Phillips: All I did was open the door, see if the coast was clear, my mind went blank. Casey Edwards: You mind's always been blank. Freddie Phillips: I have a confession to make. Angela Gordon: You did it? Freddie Phillips: No, I mean that stuff [champagne] Freddie Phillips: , I don't drink that stuff, that's like drinking poison. Angela Gordon: Oh come on... Freddie Phillips: Oh stop it, the bubbles' is tickling my nose. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : For little Angela... Freddie Phillips: I wouldn't drink it for big Angela. Casey Edwards: [seeing one of Freddie's booby traps] That is the craziest thing I've ever seen. Freddie Phillips: Oh yeah? Well let me tell you something, if the murderer comes in here alone, somebody else is gonna carry him out. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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