柏林艳史 (1948)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名柏林艳史
  • 上映时间1948年06月30日(美国)
  • 导       演 比利·怀尔德


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  • Captain John Pringle: How is good old Iowa? Phoebe Frost: Sixty-two percent Republican, thank you. Captain John Pringle: Don't tell me it's subversive to kiss a Republican! Erika von Schluetow: Let's go up to my apartment. It's only a few ruins away from here. Erika von Schluetow: We've all become animals with exactly one instinct left. Self-preservation. Now take me, Miss Frost. Bombed out a dozen times, everything caved in and pulled out from under me. My country, my possessions, my beliefs... yet somehow I kept going. Months and months in air raid shelters, crammed in with five thousand other people. I kept going. What do you think it was like to be a woman in this town when the Russians first swept in? I kept going. Erika von Schluetow: So you fly off back home. Wash your hands. Why, surely. You've got so much soap in the United States. Congressman Pennecot: If you give a hungry man a loaf of bread, that's democracy, if you leave the wrapper on, that's imperialism. Erika von Schluetow: [singing] Want to buy some illusions? Slightly used, just like new. Such romantic illusions, and they're all about you. I sell them all for a penny, they make pretty souvenirs. Take my lovely illusions, some for laughs, some for tears. Phoebe Frost: We'll go there right now! Captain John Pringle: Where? Phoebe Frost: To the files! Captain John Pringle: In the middle of the night? Shouldn't we get permission? Phoebe Frost: Did we get permission to land in Normandie? Let's go! Phoebe Frost: How do you know so much about women's clothing? Captain John Pringle: My mother wears women's clothing. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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