Magic Town (1947)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
Magic Town
  • 片       名Magic Town
  • 上映时间1947年10月07日(美国)
  • 导       演 威廉·A·韦尔曼


  • Mary Peterman: The air becomes charged with electricity around desperate men. Lawrence 'Rip' Smith: I've been searching for a town like this for years. You know, when I got off that train this morning, I said to myself "This is it." I've just walked through your town, folks, with its shade trees and its lovely parks. I stood before your impressive buildings mellowed with age, and I said to myself "Here is a sturdy challenge to the evils of the modern era." I watched your people on the street, and I felt their vitality and their sense of security. Your children are happy. They're happy. You can see it in their dear little faces, and hear it in their wholesome talk. There's beauty here. It's almost indescribable. You're used to it, you're all a part of it, you take it for granted. But to me, it's a hope and a dream of a lifetime. I too want to become a part of it. Please don't change it. [addressing a meeting of the Grandview city council] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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