Spooks Run Wild (1941)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 恐怖  喜剧
  • 片       名Spooks Run Wild
  • 上映时间1941年10月24日
  • 导       演 Phil Rosen
  • 剧       情
    The boys are sent to a mountain camp. Stranded in a small rural town, they hear about a "monster killer" roaming the countryside. At...


  • Policeman: [about the boys] They may be underprivileged, but they sure ain't underdeveloped. Jeff Dixon: With all those boys here it should be about as quiet as the funhouse at Cony Island. Danny: How can you read in the dark? Glimpy: What'd you say? Danny: I said how can you read in the dark? Glimpy: I went to night school. Scruno: [the tobacco jar's moving] Now look Mr. tobacco jar, I don't smoke, I'm not bothering you, so you don't bother me, okay? Danny: [looking at a trunk] You gonna open it? Muggs: Maybe it's one of those "Don't open 'til Christmas". Danny: Where we going? Scruno: We're going to camp! Glimpy: Camp? How do you like that? I thought we were going to reform school, I would've been a sophomore this year. Danny: No kidding! Glimpy: Yeah! Glimpy: I milked a cow once, you know it's got four faucets to it. Danny: What for? Glimpy: Well the first faucet's for buttermilk, the second's for bottled milk, and the third's for evaporated milk. Danny: What's the fourth one for? Glimpy: Come to think of it, this cow only had three faucets. Muggs: I don't like that guy's altitude, if he thinks I'm staying out here associating with the pigs and cows, he's crazy. Muggs: I got an idea, when it's dark... Danny: We make a break for it? Muggs: Exactly. Muggs: I'm going alone. Danny: That makes three of us going alone. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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