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You Nazty Spy!

You Nazty Spy! (1940) 8.0

1940-01-19(美国)| 喜剧 短片| 美国
上映时间:1940-01-19(美国) 类型: 喜剧 短片
评分: 力荐

In this satire of the Nazis the stooges are paperhangers in the country of Moronica. When evil cabinet ministers overthrow the king, they de...更多>


Moe: Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors! Moe: We must throw of the yoke of monarchy, and make our country safe for hypocrisy!




: [Holding a book] I'll keep this. Curly Gallstone, Field Marshal: Oh, a bookkeeper. Moe: Go burn the books. Larry: Why burn the books? Moe: There are too many bookmakers. The bookies are overrunning the country. Those are my orders. Moe: Ring for my sectery. Larry: You mean secretary? Moe: I said sectery! Larry: Secretary. Moe: Which is correct? Curly Gallstone, Field Marshal: Stenographer. I'll ring for her. Moe: What do you mean by reading a book? Suppose you learn something. Loyal Moronikans shouldn't read. Take your troops out and have them burn every book in Moronika. Guard: I caught this man walking down the street with a chicken Curly Gallstone, Field Marshal: Blonde or brunette? Moe: [to Curly] Quiet. [to Man] Moe: Where'd you get the chicken? Man: From an egg. Larry: Where'd you get the egg? Man: From a chicken. Curly Gallstone, Field Marshal: Ah, a vicious cycle. We must kill it. Remind me to kill a cycle. Larry Pebble, Minister of Propanganda: We will now pause for station identification. Curly Gallstone, Field Marshal: This is N-U-T-S. Larry Pebble, Minister of Propanganda: When you hear the conk on the dome, it will be exactly 3 o'clock. [whacks Curly on the head] Larry Pebble, Minister of Propanganda: 3 o'clock Bolonia watch time. Curly Gallstone, Field Marshal: 3 o'clock Bolonia watch time. Mr. Ixnay: We've come here to offer you the greatest opportunity of your life. Moe: You mean you'll let us paper the living room? Mr. Ixnay: No, no, no. You're through with papering. My partners and I are going to make you Dictator of Moronica. Moe: Dictator? What does a Dictator do? Mr. Ixnay: A Dictator? Why, he makes love to beautiful women, drinks champagne, enjoys life and never works. He makes speeches to the people promising them plenty, gives them nothing and takes everything. *That's* a Dictator. Curly Gallstone, Field Marshal: Hmph, a parasite. That's for me. Moe: You mean you'll let us paper the living room? Mr. Ixnay: No, no, no. You're through with papering. My partners and I are going to make you Dictator of Moronica."

You Nazty Spy!

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