The Terror of Tiny Town (1938)

  • 美国
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  • 西部  喜剧
The Terror of Tiny Town
  • 片       名The Terror of T...
  • 上映时间1938年12月01日(美国)
  • 导       演 Sam Newfie...


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  • nnouncer: Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, we're going to present for your approval a novelty picture with an all midget cast, the first of it's kind to ever be produced. I'm told that it has everything, that is everything that a western should have. The Ranch Owner (Pop Lawson): Seems to me that I smell something that should be buried - smells mighty like a polecat. The Rich Uncle (Jim 'Tex' Preston): Why, you! [opening sequence] The Hero (Buck Lawson): I'm the hero. After this picture's out, I'll be the biggest cowboy star in Hollywood. The Villain (Bat Haines): I'm the villain. I'm the toughest hombre that ever lived, and I ain't afraid o' the biggest one o' you. I'm the Terror of Tiny Town, and that's the star part. The Hero (Buck Lawson): That's what you think. The Villain (Bat Haines): Ye-eah. That's what I think! Announcer: Wait a minute! Men! Men! Wait a minute! The Sheriff: I'm warnin' you, Tex. Don't start no trouble in town. The Rich Uncle (Jim 'Tex' Preston): I don't want trouble. But I won't run away from it, either! First cowpoke: I wonder who those hombres are? Second cowpoke: Let's pick up the trail and see what they're up to. The Hero (Buck Lawson): Dad, I jumped a bunch o' rustlers at work. The Ranch Owner (Pop Lawson): Rustlers! The Hero (Buck Lawson): They left in such a hurry, they forgot their branding iron. The Ranch Owner (Pop Lawson): (examining iron) Cheap Work Pete! The Hero (Buck Lawson): That's the way I read it. The Ranch Owner (Pop Lawson): Why that low-down ki-yoat! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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