Something to Sing About (1937)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  经典
Something to Sing About
  • 片       名Something to Si...
  • 上映时间1937年09月30日(美国)
  • 导       演 维克多·舍辛格


  • Rita Wyatt: [laying down winning cards] You now owe me 129 million dollars. Terrence 'Terry'; Rooney: A mere bagatelle. Rita Wyatt: I'll settle for a box of candy. Terrence 'Terry'; Rooney: You'll take chewing gum and like it. Hank Meyers: [reacting to Terry's real name] Thaddeus McGillicuddy? Rita Wyatt: We like it. Hank Meyers: Are you kidding, Terry? Terrence 'Terry'; Rooney: Oh no, absolutely on the level. I'm sorry, Hank - they did it to me when I was asleep. Stephanie 'Steffie' Hajos: [outraged over Terry's new bungalow] Five rooms and three baths! What does he need with three baths? He isn't running a laundry - although he should be! Stephanie 'Steffie' Hajos: You mean HE objects to being engaged to ME for a few weeks? Hank Meyers: Honey, he does nothing but object! Stephanie 'Steffie' Hajos: I? Stephanie Hajos, the Great Star, condescend to have my name linked with this - this HOOFER, and HE OBJECTS? HE OBJECTS! I won't speak to him again! I won't even finish making the picture! Tell my public I am through! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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