Big Brown Eyes (1936)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  灾难
Big Brown Eyes
  • 片       名Big Brown Eyes
  • 上映时间1936年04月03日(美国)
  • 导       演 拉乌尔·沃尔什


  • advertisement Richard Morey: Cortig, if you bought a gift for a girl and she refused to accept it, what would you do? Russ Cortig: [with a slow smile] I'd give it to my wife. Danny Barr: [stopping Eve from telephoning] Wait a minute, will you, honey? [Eve smacks his hand from the phone] Danny Barr: Oh, how I wish you were a man! Eve Fallon: Same to you. Benny Battle: [In barber shop running his hand on the back of manicurist Eve Fallon] Eeny, meanie, mynie, mo. I'll take this one. Eve Fallon: Oh, so you're the guy who ran his thumb down my back. Benny Battle: Your truly, Benjamin Battle! How's it, Babe? Eve Fallon: How's it yourself?... I knew it was you. I know the feel of your fingerprints. Benny Battle: Ouch! Never say 'fingerprints' when I'm around. It gives me a sickly feeling. Eve Fallon: Yeah, I'd have a nasty answer for that if I wasn't workin' here. What can I do for you? Benny Battle: Oh, give me a manicure, but don't rush it. I'd like you to hold my hands. Eve Fallon: Oh! Too bad I can't work with my gloves. Barber: Well, well, Danny, what's the matter? Don't see you for a long time. Benny Battle: Well, they had me downtown for two weeks on a bum rap. Eve Fallon: Oh, poor kid! They blame you everything, don't they? Benny Battle: You sait it, Beautiful! The way the coppers treat me, you'd think I was a thief. Eve Fallon: Yeah! Police get some funny ideas sometimes. Benny Battle: Don't they though? And me as honest as the day is long. Benny Battle: Yeah, but how 'bout the nights? Benny Battle: The nights too! I'm the soul of honesty. Eve Fallon: You sure you don't mean 'the heel?' Eve Fallon: You'd lie about the weather! Editor: Wait! Wait! Eve Fallon: You wait... you look like a waiter anyway. Benny Battle: [at the barber shop] Every time I turn around I see another bull. Benny Battle: [Danny emerges from under a towel in the next chair] Well, if it isn't Daniel Barr, the handsome dick. Danny Barr: Gettin' yourself dolled up? Danny Barr: Yeah, there's nuttin' like spendin' a half hour in a barber shop that makes a new man out of ya. Danny Barr: When did ya get out outta the can? Benny Battle: About an hour ago, thanks to the habby-us corpus. Danny Barr: Yeah, and that shyster lawyer of yours. Benny Battle: I wouldn't talk like that. Ya might get pinched for slander. Eve Fallon: Yeah, and don't carry any matches; they're liable to charge you with arson. Benny Battle: Hey, Chalkie, get me a pineapple soda. Get me a big lump of whipped cream on it, and a nice red cherry. How's it, babe? Danny Barr: How d'ya like that chair? Benny Battle: I like it, 'specially when I'm tired. Danny Barr: Well, there's one upstate looks just like it. Ya wouldn't care for that one would ya? Benny Battle: No thanks. I'm not that tired. [Morey sees Eve at the hotel drugstore counter buying aspirin. He enters and starts a conversation with her, finding out that she has just lost her manicurist job] Richard Morey: They have nice perfumes here. Eve Fallon: Yeah, if you can afford 'em. Richard Morey: Uh, how much are these? Off-screen Sales Clerk: Fifty-five dollars. Richard Morey: Give me four of them. Eve Fallon: Mmmmm. You must have lots of friends. Richard Morey: Oh, they're all for you. Eve Fallon: Oh, but I couldn't. Richard Morey: Oh, but you could. Eve Fallon: Oh, but I mustn't. Richard Morey: Oh, but you must. And you will. How about some candy, too? Here you are. You like sweets? [piling on the candy boxes] Richard Morey: One more. Eve Fallon: Please! I'll have to get a truck to carry all these things home. Richard Morey: No, you won't. My car's right here at the door. [to the sales clerk] Richard Morey: Charge it, will you? [fade to the back seat of Morey's limo] Richard Morey: An apartment, French maid, your own car and chauffeur. Doesn't it sound good? Eve Fallon: [deadpan] Mmmmm. Too good to be true. Richard Morey: It... could be true. Eve Fallon: [sardonically] And all I'd have to do is manicure your nails? Eve Fallon: [getting up to leave] Here's my house. Richard Morey: But Eve, haven't you forgotten something? Eve Fallon: Yeah, my key, but I'll slip through the transom. Richard Morey: But what about the candy and perfume? Eve Fallon: Ah, give the candy to your chauffeur and use the perfume yourself. [Eve slams the car door] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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