Shop Talk (1935)

  • 美国
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  • 短片  喜剧
Shop Talk
  • 片       名Shop Talk
  • 导       演 Lloyd Fren...




  • advertisement Robert Hope Jr.: Where's the china? Dora: Oh, I don't know anything about China. I love America. I love the old American game of football, don't you? Robert Hope Jr.: Well, I don't... Dora: Don't you thrill when you think of football? The bases are full, it's the end of the third quarter, the ice is slippery, and the pigskin's bowling down the alley for a strike. The crowd roars and rises as one man. The car rounds the curve, skids, crashes! AAH HAH-HA! and the side is out in a love game! Mustache cup clerk: Here's a beautiful thing - a mustache cup! Robert Hope Jr.: Yeah, but my brother hasn't a mustache. Mustache cup clerk: Well, why don't you take it home and show it to him? Maybe he'd love to grow a mustache. They're lovely! My father had one once, but he disappeared for 3 days, and where do you think we found him? In the cellar with his mustache caught in Mother's dryer. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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