Chickens Come Home (1931)

  • 美国
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  • 短片  喜剧
  • 片       名Chickens Come H...
  • 上映时间1931年02月21日
  • 导       演 James W. H...
  • 剧       情
    Ollie is running for mayor when an old flame (Mae Busch) tries to blackmail him with a old photo ('just the same old apple-cheeked boy'). St...


  • Mrs. Hardy: And how is Mrs. Laurel? Stanley: Oh, Fine, Thank you. Mrs. Hardy: I'd love to meet her sometime. Stanley: Neither do I to. Introductory Card: Every man has a past - with some little "indiscretion" he would like to bury - Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy have 30 or 40 they would like to cremate. Stanley: Do you mind if I smoke? Ollie's blackmailer: I don't care if you burn up! Oliver: Well... Stanley: Here's another nice mess I got you into. Oliver: Oh, Gabriel, blow your horn. Ollie's blackmailer: Give me that key! Busybody: Far be it for me, Mrs Laurel, to talk about anybody, but... don't trust any man. I've had five of 'em, and I know! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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