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Lano & Woodley: The Island

Lano & Woodley: The Island(2005)

2005-01-26(澳大利亚)| 喜剧| 澳大利亚
上映时间:2005-01-26(澳大利亚) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐


Colin: What are you doing? Frank: I'm collecting seashells, putting them in a plastic bag, taking them home, putting them in the garage and never ever looking at them ever again. Colin: Frank! We're on a desert island with no food or shelter. Frank: [claps]


Oh, I love these games. Is it what three Cds i'd take? Um, id take my favourite rap Cds. Eminem, Missy Elliot, because i love rap. I love the way they just rap about just anything that comes into their minds. I love it.


Lano & Woodley: The Island

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