The Fairly OddParents in: Channel Chaser (2004)

  • 美国
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  • 冒险  动画  喜剧
  • 片       名The Fairly OddP...
  • 上映时间2004年07月23日
  • 导       演 Butch Hart...Ken Bruce


  • Mr. Denzel Crocker: [coming out of the psychiatric ward] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • At last, I'm cured! No more fairies! For the first time in my life, I'm able to focus on other things! I've figured out cold fusion! There's no limit to the good I can do for humanity! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Timmy's wish that no one remember anything from the last few days takes affect on Crocker] Mr. Denzel Crocker: What the heck is this junk? Was I about to help people? This can only be the work of... FAIRIES! [laughs madly and runs back inside the hospital] Adult Timmy Turner: [about to fade back into the future] It's up to you. You can stop Vicky in "Mahomushi". You can... change the future. Young Timmy Turner: But if I do, you won't exist! Adult Timmy Turner: Sure I will. And I'll exist in a future worth getting into. You can do it, Timmy. You're a great kid. I know. [he fades away] Young Timmy Turner: No, come back! Please! Please! [Timmy growls and then screams] Young Timmy Turner: Every time something cool happens in my life -*Every Time*, Vicky ruins it! Well, I'm not gonna let her ruin anything else! Mr. Turner: [the Turners confront Vicky after finally figuring out she's evil] So Vicky, what do you have to say for yourself? Mrs. Turner: In the face of this of this overwhelming evidence that you are, and always have been, an evil, lying, troublemaking shrew! Vicky: [in tears] I'm, I'm sorry! I blame television! Mr. Turner: Nice try! What do you take us for, idiots? Vicky: [uneasy] Yes? Mrs. Turner: Vicky, you're fired! Mrs. Turner: Our son ran away because we didn't believe him about Vicky being an evil babysitter! Doug Dimmadome: What? Didn't you hear that Chip Skylark song "Icky Vicky"? What did you think that song was about, pumpkins? Mr. Turner: Yes. Mr. Turner: You dented a 747, destroyed Mr. Joel's glass house, and worse, Dinkleberg won my plaque. [outside the Turner's front window] Dinkleburg: Fetch, Dinkle-dog! Mr. Turner: Those gleeful fish are right to cheer. Adam West: [Cosmo and Wand are being pulled toward a taxi-a voice comes gleefully over the intercom] Hey there, fairy folks! This is Adam West saying remember to buckle up! Mr. Turner, Mrs. Turner: [to Timmy] We love you! Mr. Turner: But I love you more! [Cast becomes Sesame Street-type puppets] Vicky: Today's show has been brought to you by the letter "V". [Vicky laughs as she carries the V with her, and jumps into fake TV, then Young and Old Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda appear] Young Timmy Turner: This way! Quick! [Young and old Timmy walk off, leaving Cosmo and Wanda] Cosmo: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I've never felt more alive! Get it? Felt! FELT! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [everyone starts jumping into the TV] Vicky: I had the greatest dream. I almost took over the world and destroyed everybody. [Last lines, imitating Porky Pig] Cosmo: Well... Th-th-th, Th-th-th, Th-th-th, Th-th-th, Th-th-th, Th-th-th... Wanda: Cosmo, what's the matter with you? Cosmo: Nothing. It's just really cold in here. Young Timmy Turner: Older? What happens when I get older? Cosmo: Ah, Timmy. It's time for a little talk about something we fairies like to call, "The Wands and the Wings." [Cosmo gets out a pink sock puppet and a green sock puppet] Cosmo: You see, when a mommy fairy and a daddy fairy love each other very much... Wanda: Cosmo, no! Not that speech! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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