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"The Paul O'Grady Show"

"The Paul O'Grady Show"(2004)

2004-10-11(英国)| 喜剧 | 英国
上映时间:2004-10-11(英国) 类型: 喜剧 
评分: 力荐


Paul O'Grady:


I got mistaken for a serial killer in Germany, once. Two years ago, I was in Berlin and they let some nut out and the people in the street were all goin' "Ooh ooh!" pointing at me, and I thought, "Oh I didn't know they had the Lilly Savage Show here."


Paul O'Grady: [repeated line shouted at the audience] When I want your lot's opinion, I'll slap it out of ya... Paul O'Grady: [catchphrase said to "Bert"] Bert, put that clip on! Paul O'Grady: [when he's talking about ghost hunting] I'd kill to see a ghost. Paul O'Grady: Me nose is running like a gas blowers bum.

"The Paul O'Grady Show"

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