雷霆追杀令 (2003)

  • 澳大利亚
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名雷霆追杀令
  • 上映时间2002年11月07日(澳大利亚)
  • 导       演 Paul Molon...


  • Dave Jackson: Forty-four. Two fat whores. Dave Jackson: Number ten... um... stab me in the eye with a ball-point pen. Jack Simpson: Watch where you're going you hat wearing fool! Where did you learn to drive? On horseback? Bernie Fowler: I like cheese. Stan Coombs: And remember, this is a game of skill, touch and patience. A true revealer of character. Jack Simpson: All it's revealing right now is two inches of arse-crack poking out the top of my pants! Stan Coombs: [introducing Nance] Her name's Nance. In case your interested? Jack Simpson: Am not, I've got a girlfriend. Mandy: [walks in angrily] No you don't! Jack Simpson: Mandy, what are you doing here? Mandy: Returning your things. [throws a pack of cigarettes into Jack's hands, Stan laughs] Jack Simpson: [shouting to Mandy] Better all be here! Supervisor: [about to review one of Jack's phone conversation] Why don't we listen into one of your calls shall we? Jack Simpson: Excellent Idea Jack Simpson: [over phone] Good afternoon, My name is Jack Simpson and you are a good-for-nothing layabout. Ha Ha! Dave Jackson: [over phone] Hi Jack. How's it going? Jack Simpson: Shithouse. I just had this idiot on the line going on and on, so i told her to blow it out her arse. Still on for later? Dave Jackson: Yeah. Jack Simpson: Okay, I'll see you at the bowls club. I told that dumbfuck supervisor I've got a migraine coming on, so I reckon I'll get the arvo off. Ha ha ha [Supervisor stops recording] Jack Simpson: [sarcastically] Maybe a little long but otherwise I'd give it an... 21% Supervisor: Hmm. You're fired, Simpson. [repeated lne] Eileen: Swear jar, Nance 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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