"Strange Days at Blake Holsey High&# (2002)

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  • 冒险  喜剧  家庭


  • Lucas Randall: So how do we know which one is Josie? Josie Trent: Are you kidding me, Lucas, if you had half a brain you'd be dangerous! Lucas Randall: Ouch, that's definitely Josie. Marshall Wheeler: Maybe you've been cloned. Josie Trent: [looks at Marshall] Remember that half a brain comment I just made to Lucas? Well, I think I just found the other half. Corrine: You're hot for Vaughn. Josie Trent: I am not! Corrine: Yes, you are. Josie Trent: Well, you have a thing for Marshall. Corrine: I do not! Do I? Principal Amanda Durst: There is nothing wrong at Blake Holsey High! Josie Trent: Blake Holsey High. Just another boarding school, or so I thought. But things are a little different here. I've made some friends, even got a cool teacher. The principle is definitely hiding something. And this guy, Victor Pearson, somehow he's behind all the really weird stuff that happens here. We'll figure it out. Until then, these are strange days at Blake Holsey High. Lucas Randall: [to Marshall] ... and you dressed up like a girl and won the camp beauty contest. Marshall Wheeler: Hey! You promised you wouldn't tell anyone about that! Josie Trent: Nice job, Marshall. An inch either way and Lucas and I would have been shishkabobed! Victor Pearson: Everything happens for a reason. Josie Trent: I'm really scared. Josie Trent: [to herself] What have you done? Josie Trent: I wish I could trust you again. Vaughn Pearson: Sooner or later you're going to have to decide. Lucas Randall: [to Professor Z] So you're saying we grew a Josie from a petri dish? Does this mean we all get an "A"? Principal Amanda Durst: [refering to Professor Z's drawing on the chalkboard] What is that? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Professor Zachary 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : That's a wormhole... where the worms live. Corrine: Big memories are called islands of memories. Vaughn Pearson: Like scoring the winning touchdown. Marshall Wheeler: Or winning your first science medal. Lucas Randall: Or your first pair of big-boy underwear. [everyone stares at him] Lucas Randall: Like it wasn't big to you guys! Professor Zachary: I'm in my happy place. Josie Trent: [to Corrine] What? I always put on lipgloss. [Corrine gives her a look] Josie Trent: Well, when I'm acting. Vaughn Pearson: [to Lucas] ... Oh, and, ah, kissing Josie was okay. Vaughn Pearson: Josie, people are saying stuff about you. Josie Trent: People are always saying stuff about me. Vaughn Pearson: [after Josie has, in frustration, dumped a plate of spaghetti over his head] Why'd you do that? Josie Trent: Because I care about you. [Vaughn lifts up a plate of spaghetti] Josie Trent: No! Vaughn Pearson: [he dumps the spaghetti on her] I care about you too. Josie Trent: [to Vaughn] I trusted you. Don't worry. I won't make that mistake again. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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