"Even Stevens" (2000)

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  • Principal Wexler: Holy Bundt Cakes. Louis Stevens: I am making a quality cucumber shake here. Ren Stevens: Not on my time. Louis Stevens: [to Ren] I have the right to question all the suspects. You. Tom Gribalski: Happy family, on vacation. Louis' fly is open. Tawny: Think it'll really work? Tom Gribalski: Pssh. Ahahaha. I hope so. Donnie: Hey Ren? Jewel's on the phone. Ren Stevens: I told you to hold my calls. Donnie: She is on hold. Duh. Beans: Wait. Stop. I, I can't take it, I'm just a little kid. Tom Gribalski: Can you imagine skiing down those slopes with hot potatoes in your pockets? [Louis and Twitty look at Tom strangely] Tom Gribalski: To keep your hands warm. Tom Gribalski: [trying to climb a fence] Oh, I seem to have ripped my trousers. I must go. Ren Stevens: Why don't we just FedEx him to military camp? Eileen Stevens: We will not FedEx Louis to military camp... UPS is much cheaper. [in song] Larry Beale: Ren got an F. That's got to be a first. I can't believe she messed up so badly. Ren got an F! This is my lucky day! I'm sorry that it had to end so sadly. [chorus] Larry Beale: Ren got an F! Ren got an F! Ren got an F! Ren got an F! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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