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"Yes, Dear"

"Yes, Dear" (2000) 6.7

2000-10-02(美国)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2000-10-02(美国) 类型: 喜剧
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(2003年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐



Greg Warner: What do you mean you can't kill it? You used to go hunting when you where young! Jimmy Hughes: I just liked to chug beer and paint my face! Jimmy Hughes: So you and that girl Lisa seem to be getting along. Marcellas Reynolds: Yeah, she's sweet. Jimmy Hughes: Oh she is fine! I think you have a chance with her. Marcellas Reynolds: Jimmy, you do know that I'm gay, right? Jimmy Hughes: Oh... Okay... well check out the abs on Nathan. Nathan Marlow: I heard what you said about my abs... thanks. Lisa Donahue: I heard what you said about my ass... thanks. Christine Hughes: [explaining to the babysitter] Ok, this baby monitor will let you keep track of Dominic from the house. Now, if he begins to cry, press this button to turn it off. Kim Warner: [following a night of unusually good sex] It was amazing... all the screaming... Greg Warner: Yeah... I just hope I didn't wake Sammy. Gloria: [Kim and Greg has just found Gloria, their babysitter, on their couch with a guy] Oh, I'm sorry... have you met my husband Guillermo? Kim Warner: No, I don't believe I have. Gloria: Well, if you do, don't tell him about Lou. Christine Hughes: [hands Kim a blender] Here, have your Daquiri maker back. Kim Warner: Why, doesn't it work? Christine Hughes: Well, yeah, it works just fine, but... do you remember yesterday? Kim Warner: Yes. Christine Hughes: I don't. Greg Warner: Where's Sammy? Kim Warner: Up in the room with Dominic and Logan. Greg Warner: Really? Kim Warner: They asked for three sheets and shut the door. Either they're playing ghosts, building a fort or having a clan meeting. Greg Warner: [Sammy has fallen down from the jungle-gym] Does it still hurt, Sammy? Sam 'Sammy' Warner: No. Christine Hughes: I'm just glad he stopped crying... Greg Warner: I was worried about my son! Jimmy Hughes: [Greg and Kim are kissing, and Jimmy walks in] Get a room. Greg Warner: Get a house. Mr. Savitsky: Warner, give me that Bop-It game! Grandma Nan: [to Greg]


You were always my favorite, Jimmy.


Kim Warner: No, Grandma Nan, that's Greg. Grandma Nan: Greg who? Greg Warner: Where do you see yourself in twenty years? Jimmy Hughes: I don't know. Where do you see me in twenty years? Greg Warner: Hopefully just at holidays and other family functions. Greg Warner: Hey, what's up? Kim Warner: Nothing. Just thinking of names for Jimmy's boat. Greg Warner: How about the S.S. Jimmy's An Idiot? Logan Hughes: Why do we have to take a bath? We're not dirty. Christine Hughes: Logan, in the last hour I've seen you stick your finger up three different nostrils. Greg Warner: Great, dinner with Jimmy. It's like "Tuesdays With Morrie" except you don't learn anything, and at the end you want to guy to die. Kim Warner: Sammy, why do you keep on scratching your head? Jimmy Hughes: Maybe he's perplexed... What? That's a word, right? Jimmy Hughes: Wait, I thought you said you would support my decision no matter what! Christine Hughes: Yeah! If you made the right one! Kim Warner: Every time something goes wrong at work do you want me to put on the Batman cape and fly into town because they upset my Greggy? Greg Warner: Actually Batman can't fly. Kim Warner: Is that really important? Greg Warner: It is to the citizens of Gotham. Dominic Hughes [#2]: Can I have some coffee so I don't fall asleep in school again? Jimmy Hughes: Dominic, you are six years old, you can't have coffee. Here, drink these Mountain Dews. Kim Warner: How is the practice date going? Dominic Hughes [#2]: She won't even let me get things started Kim Warner: [to Christine] I'll bet no one who's been on a first date with you has ever said that. Christine Hughes: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Did you guys clean up your toys in there? Dominic Hughes [#2]: No. Christine Hughes: Well, go back in there and pick 'em up. You want your mom to trip on a Power Ranger again and break her other ankle? Logan Hughes: No, we're sorry. Kim Warner: Christine, you broke your ankle trying on slutty shoes at the mall. Christine Hughes: Shh! Knowing their mom's a clumsy tramp isn't going to keep their room clean for the next six to eight weeks. Logan Hughes: I'm not wearing any of Dominic's old clothes Jimmy Hughes:


Now you're being picky? The last three mornings I had to make you spit out Dominic's gum.

"Yes, Dear"

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