The Cisco Kid (1994)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  西部
  • 片       名The Cisco Kid
  • 上映时间1994年02月06日
  • 导       演 Luis Valde...


  • Cisco Kid: I don't fight for causes. Pancho: Well, what do you fight for? Cisco Kid: I can't believe this. I think they are really going to kill us. Pancho: Are you afraid to die? Cisco Kid: I'd rather live. Pancho: Me too! Cisco Kid: Well, come on! Pancho: I can't. Cisco Kid: What are you afraid of? Dying? Pancho: No, I'm afraid of breaking my leg and then living! Rosa: Look at you! You're a priest now! Pancho: I did it for you, so no woman would want me no more! Cisco Kid: Hombre, do you know what they call a Mexican with a good horse and money over there? Pancho: What? Cisco Kid: A bandit. Old Cantina Lady: What do you want? Pancho: Something to eat and a cerevza. Cisco Kid: And I'll have a senorita. Old Cantina Lady: I am the only senorita. Cisco Kid: Make that two cervezas. Cisco Kid: Pancho, the first thing we do is find some senoritas and some food. Pancho: Senoritas? Cisco Kid: For me. Food... for you. Lt. Col. Delacroix: You fight very well for a Mexican. Cisco Kid: You fight very poorly for a Frenchman. Pancho: So what part of Mexico is your home, Cisco? Cisco Kid: Ah, I'm not from Mexico. I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Pancho: [Shocked] So you're not a.... Cisco Kid: Nope, American. Cisco Kid: [Repeated line] Ooooh, Pancho! Pancho: Ooooooh, Cisco! Cisco Kid: Let's ride! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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