A Mom for Christmas (1990)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 奇幻  喜剧  家庭
  • 片       名A Mom for Chris...
  • 上映时间1990年12月17日(美国)
  • 导       演 乔治·米勒


  • Amy Miller: [pops a piece of popcorn in her mouth] Got an idea! Amy Miller: Wilkins is a joy. All he talks about is cars, cars, cars. Lora: [sarcastic] Nice dress, Jessica. Jessica Slocum: [sarcastic] You too, Lora. I must have told a hundred girls how good they look in THAT outfit. Wilkins: Purrs like a cat. Drives like a dream. Jessica Slocum: [in front of audience in school production] Wait a minute; have a heart. Santa doesn't... Santa doesn't... Nicholas: [whispers to Jessica on stage in form of Santa Clause statue] ... doesn't know where to start. Jessica Slocum: [continues] Santa doesn't know where to start. Solving problems is not his line, it's everyone's. It's yours, it's mine. So if it's the world you want to save, you have to be a lot more brave. So don't put it all on Santa, or some little elf. This is something you do yourself. Teddy O'Neill: [looking under a mannequin's skirt] Baby, maybe we can go out sometime! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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