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Three on a Couch

Three on a Couch (1966) 6.1

1966-07-04(美国)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:1966-07-04(美国) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐

An artist has an opportunity to go to Paris and wants to bring his fiancee along. However, she's a psychiatrist who currently has three fema...更多>


[Christopher learns from the French ambassador that he has won a prize for his art work] The Ambassador: Ze first prise is fifty thousand francs. In American money, zat ees ten thousand dollars. The Attache: Give or take a little. Christopher Pride: As long as you give, I'll take. [Greeting Elizabeth's secretary]


Christopher Pride


: Hi, Murphy, you precious pussycat! Mary Lou Mauve: If y'all would 'scuse me, Ah'm lookin' for the doctor. The Drunk: Oh, I happen to be a doctor, but I'm not in surgery today. You see, I'm driving the ambulance. Say, what's your name? Mary Lou Mauve: Ah do declare! The Drunk: Clare. Oh, that's a pretty name!

Three on a Couch

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