
  • advertisement Jamal: Do you have a thong? Victoria: Excuse me? Jamal: Never mind. We'll just take an old pair of drawers and cut the ass out. Jamal: With these hands, I make [holds out and flicks on lighter] Jamal: ... FIRE! Crowd member: We have fire. Jamal: That's why you shouldn't drink your own urine. Jamal: 9-1-1! 9-1-1! White man down! White man down! Jamal: [chanting] King Leo's got a great big castle, [Troops of men echo him] Men: King Leo's got a great big castle, Jamal: We're gonna shove it right up his a**hole! Men: We're gonna shove it right up his a**hole! Jamal: Sound off! Men: 1,2! Jamal: Break it on down! Men: Uh, uh, uh-uh! Percival: How dare you deflower the king's daughter. Jamal: Believe me, someone got to that flower long before I did. [Trying to get Victoria's 's phone number] Jamal: ANYBODY GOT A PEN? Victoria: You can read and write! Jamal: Yeah! (pause) Who you been datin'? Guard #1: Who be ye? Jamal: Who be I? I be stompin' yo ass you put your hand on me one more again! Jamal: Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the presence of fear, yet the will to move on. Jamal: Tis roadkill! Jamal: I'm not only the... duke's official messenger... but I'm also the court jester! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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