"Jesse" (1998)

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  • advertisement [Silent John is drawing a picture to show Little John what sex is] Darren: Is that an arm? [Silent John shakes his head] Darren: A leg? [Shakes his head again and shows Darren the picture] Darren: You can't show him that! Little John: Mom and Diego are doing sex aren't they? Darren: Do you know what sex is? Little John: My friend told me that it's when the woman crawls up into the man's butt and falls asleep Darren: Yep, yep that's exactly what it is. [Silent John taps him and shakes his head] Little John: It's not? Then what is it? [Silent John points to Darren to explain it] Darren: Oh, come on! Jesse Warner: [Buffalo Airport - Ticket agent counter. Jesse is frantially chasing Diego down, before he boards the plane to leave for good. Too late, the plane has taken off] [Jesse] Jesse Warner: "Was that the last flight to Santiago for today?" Airline Agent - Buffalo Airport: [Airline Agent, dryly] "no, this is Buffalo, we have flights to Chile every 15 minutes". 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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