"Unhappily Ever After" (1995)

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  • advertisement Ryan Malloy: My mom and my dad are great. They have two kids. The End. Jennie Malloy: Watch where you're pouring your sauce! Jack Malloy: If I had ever done that, we wouldn't be sitting here. Ryan Malloy: And who's the one with the big ears? Ross Malloy: Oh. I guess he's that English prince or something. Ryan Malloy: If that chick looks like a horse, why isn't he riding her? [screaming at the TV] Ryan Malloy: Prince! If she looks like a horse, use her as horse! Ross Malloy: Amen, brother. Ryan Malloy: Honestly. Ryan Malloy: It's great to be president! You can get all the chicks. I wonder if Clinton found that out already. Ryan Malloy: Wait, I know this guy. [Jack looks at him, wearing glasses] Ryan Malloy: That's Clark Kent! [there is a note on the fridge] Tiffany Malloy: Hey, Ryan, what does that thing say? Ryan Malloy: [looks back at the fridge] Arr! Arr! I'm a refrigerator, I'm big and cold! Tiffany Malloy: Look what I got. Ryan Malloy: What is it? What is it? Tiffany Malloy: My college formula. Ryan Malloy: Aaw, I thought it was ice cream. Ryan Malloy: Mild mannored Ryan was sitting in the rain, he got struck by lightening, and now he's still the same. He's lightening boy! Mr. Floppy: Kiss my cottontail! Jack Malloy: [while helping Ross with his homework] OK, let's see that map. Here's California. Jennie Malloy: And here's New York over here. Jack Malloy: What's all that in between? Jennie Malloy: The reason 揟ouched By An Angel is a hit. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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