"Aladdin" (1994)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  家庭  动画
  • 片       名"Aladdin&#...
  • 上映时间1994年09月04日(英国)
  • 导       演 Alan Zaslo...Rob LaDuca


  • advertisement Mechanikles: They are completely at my mercy! Abis Mal: Ahem. You mean "our mercy". Just wanted to make sure that both of our mercies are involved. This is a multi-mercy operation. Iago: Face it Einstein, you're washed up. Icafrak: I may be washed up, but I'm no Einstein. [Genie turns into a butterfly] Genie: I feel so... pretty! Iago: If I'm with you, I'm in trouble. If I'm with the Genie, I'm - Yech! - with the Genie. Mozenrath: Well, I could rave all night, but I've got a city to destroy. Aladdin: Hey. Butterfingers. I want my monkey. [Aladding finds the Genie and Iago in the clutches of the bad guys] Genie: Don't worry about us, Al. Iago: Who asked you? Worry, Al. Fret, even! Mozenrath: You're just in time to witness the destruction of Agrabah! Aladdin: [to Iago] I think he needs a girlfriend or something. Iago: I think he's married to his work. Genie: I can throw my voice. Catching it is another matter. King of Quirkistan: VIZIER! VIZIER! Vizier: You have bellowed for me, your highness? Genie: Kid's got a genie, and he takes advice from a rug. Crowd: Liberation Day! It's Liberation Day! Iago: What's Liberation Day? Genie: It means school's out and no mail. Iago: Why isn't there an arms dealer around when you need one? Iago: There is no food here. This foraging stuff is for the... Genie: (as a bird) Birds? Iago: You are *so* droll. [Genie changes Iago into a woman] Genie: (suggestively) This is a good look for you, and it could be permanent. Jasmine: I was raised a princess, Aladdin, and a princess knows the needs of the people outweigh her own. Iago: Abu! You're okay! And you're lucky, too, you stupid, stupid monkey! Iago: You want to trade with this place? Terrific. We'll import all the pestilence and misery we need. Iago: [about Genie] Why do things always get worse when he shows up? Iago: The smoke from the fire stole your hat. Of course. Wake me when something unusual happens. [Jasmine, Genie, and Aladdin are about to blow something up] Jasmine: It's showtime. Genie: [appears with box of popcorn] It is? I love a good show! What are we gonna see? Aladdin: Genie, she means light the fuse. Genie: Here's my bill for saving your life. It's been nice working with you. Prince Uncouthma: This thinking. It will take time to catch on, but I like it. Nefir Hasenuf: The ancient prophecies have been fulfilled! Iago: Oh, oh. Ancient prophecies never predict anything good. [Abu raspberries Prince Razu behind his back] Genie: Abu! Show a little respect! Prince Razu can't help it that he's snooty, and cowardly, and abnoxious, and CRUEL, AND... ah, go ahead and rasp him! [Abu makes another raspberry] Jasmine: No matter what the species, men are men. Jasmine: I always get my man. Genie: [dressed as Mary Poppins] Well, I am practically perfect in every way. Iago: Where there's a genie's brain, there's space to rent. Mozenrath: Your princess is probably crying in some cloistered corner of the palace. Aladdin: You don't know Jasmine. Mozenrath: Agrabah. Not a particularly magical place ... why conquer it? ...Oh, because it's *there*! Abis Mal: I can hear everything. In fact, I can hear the distant conversation of grazing antelope. Boy, are they boring. Genie: You free sometime next century, say eightish? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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